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1. This website is owned by Barbería y Ciencia 1948 with CIF E42759167 and registered address at C/ Descubridor Américo Vespucio, 10 – 14013 (Córdoba). All images, texts, graphics, etc. contained within are protected by copyright, design rights, and/or other intellectual property rights unless otherwise specified and may only be used in accordance with these Terms and Conditions. Barbería y Ciencia 1948 makes no guarantees or representations that the content of this site does not infringe the rights of third parties not owned or associated with Barbería y Ciencia 1948. Photos, drawings, graphics, texts, etc., are the property of Barbería y Ciencia 1948 or third parties who have granted their rights to Barbería y Ciencia 1948. You and any persons authorized by you are prohibited from using this material, except for the purposes specifically authorized in these Terms and Conditions. Any unauthorized use of graphic material may violate copyright, trademark, and/or other laws and regulations.

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